Gudi Padwa 2010 Marathi festival � GudiPadwa is celebrated on the first day of the Chaitra month, and is celebrated as New Year's Day by Maharashtrians or Mumbaikars and Hindu Konkanis. Send GudiPadwaMarathi SMS or padwasms from here collection @ GudiPadwaSMS. Send Gudy Padva wallpapers or greetings exclusive here from @ GudiPadwaWallpapers _ GudiPadwaGreetings. GudiPadwa2010 � It is the same day on which great king Shalivahana defeated Sakas in battle. This is also first day of Marathi Calendar. This festival is supposed to mark the beginning of Vasant (spring). According to the Gregorian calendar this would fall sometime at the end of March and the beginning of April. According to the Brahma Purana, this is the day on which Brahma created the world after the deluge and time began to tick from this day forth. This is one of the 3 and a half days in the Indian Lunar calendar called "Sade-Teen Muhurt", whose every moment is considered auspicious in general to start a new activity.While the people of Maharashtra use the term Gudhi Padwa for this festival and the Konkanis use Sanvsar Padvo (sanvsar derived from samvatsar meaning year) the people of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka term the same festival, observed on the same day, Ugadi. The Sindhi festival of Cheti Chand is celebrated same day. Gudi padwa festival � GudiPadwafestival day, courtyards in village houses will be swept clean and plastered with fresh cow-dung. Even in the city, people take the time out to do some spring-cleaning.
Women and children work on intricate rangoli designs on their doorsteps, the vibrant colours mirroring the burst of colour associated with spring. Everyone dresses up in new clothes and it is a time for family gatherings. Specialties like soonth panak and chana usually are eaten on this day.Traditionally, families are supposed to begin the festivities by eating the bittersweet leaves of the neem tree. Sometimes, a paste of neem leaves is prepared and mixed with ajwain, gul/gur (known as jaggery in English), and tamarind. All the members of the family consume this paste, which is believed to purify the blood and strengthen the body's immune system against diseases. Maharashtra � families also make shrikhand and Poori on this day.
Gudi Padwa sms
Swagat nav varshache.
Asha aakankshache.
Sukh samruddhiche, padata dwari paaul GUDHICHE.
"Happy Gudipadwa"
Ubhara Gudi
Suravat Karuya
Nav Varshachi..
Visru Ti Swapne
Vatchal Karuya
Nav Ashechi
Shrikhand Puri,
Reshmi Gudi,
Limba che Pan,
Nav Varsha jaao chhan. Amchya sarvanchya tarphe hardik shoobhecha.
Happy Gudi Padwa.
Chitrachi Soneri Pahat
Navya Swapnachi Navi Lat
Nava Armbha , Nava Vishvas
Navya Varshachi Hich Tar Khari Survat
Gudi Padvachya Hardik Shubhechha
Shant niwant shishir sarala.
Salsalata hirwa vasant aala.
Kokilechya suravatee sobat, chaitra"PADVA" dari aala.
"Nutan Varshabhinandan
Good attractive sms on gudi padwa and I wish you happy gudi padwa